Reimagining “Work-Life Balance”: Why It’s Time for a New Approach

Richard Bretzger
5 min readMay 2, 2023



The term “work-life balance” has been deeply ingrained in our collective psyche for decades. However, as we progress further into a post-pandemic Future of Work and as our understanding of the relationship between work and personal life evolves, it has become clear that this concept is outdated and in need of a more relevant replacement. “Work-life balance” is no longer a suitable term. Let’s explore why, and discuss an alternative approach that better captures the complexities of modern life.

The Problem with “Work-Life Balance”

Life and work are not two equal things

The term “work-life balance” implies a division between work and life as two separate entities, which are somehow competing for our time and attention. In reality, work is just one aspect of our lives. It is part of the larger picture that encompasses our relationships, hobbies, health, and personal growth. By defining work and life as separate and equal, we inadvertently create a false dichotomy that can lead to unnecessary stress and confusion.

Life should not be excluded anytime

Life is continuous, and it doesn’t stop when we clock in or out of work. We carry our personal emotions, experiences, and responsibilities with us throughout our daily lives, including our work hours. By suggesting that we must “balance” work and life, we imply that life should somehow be put on hold or excluded during work hours, which is not a healthy or realistic expectation.

Life and work is not a 50/50 thing

The idea of “work-life balance” suggests that we should allocate equal amounts of time to both work and personal life. This notion doesn’t consider the fact that the ideal allocation of time between work and personal life may differ for each individual based on factors such as career aspirations, family commitments, and personal values. Moreover, the required allocation may change at different stages in a person’s life, rendering the concept of a 50/50 split impractical and limiting.

If you need to balance, it’s not the right work

Advocates of the “work-life balance” concept often argue that it’s important to find the right balance between work and life. However, this perspective can inadvertently suggest that work is inherently negative and something to be balanced against the positive aspects of life. Instead, we should strive to find work that aligns with our passions and values, allowing us to experience fulfillment and satisfaction without the need for a constant balancing act.

The impact of technology on work-life balance

In today’s highly connected world, technology has blurred the lines between work and personal life. The ability to work remotely and be constantly connected to our colleagues and tasks can make it difficult to disconnect and set boundaries between our professional and personal lives. This further highlights the need for a more nuanced approach to managing work and life.

A Better Alternative: “Work-Life Integration”

As outlined above, the concept of “work-life balance” has several shortcomings. Instead, a more suitable term would be “work-life integration.” This concept acknowledges that work is an integral part of our lives, while also recognizing that the relationship between work and personal life is fluid and unique to each individual.

Flexibility and adaptability

Work-life integration emphasizes the need for flexibility and adaptability, allowing individuals to create a more personalized and satisfying blend of professional and personal experiences. This approach encourages the pursuit of work that aligns with our values, passions, and personal goals, rather than trying to balance work against other aspects of our lives.

Embracing the whole person

Work-life integration acknowledges that we are not one-dimensional beings who can compartmentalize our lives into neat boxes. Instead, it embraces the idea that we are whole individuals with diverse interests, responsibilities, and aspirations that intersect and influence one another. By adopting a work-life integration mindset, we can more effectively address the complex interplay between our various roles and responsibilities, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Encouraging personal growth and well-being

A work-life integration approach supports personal growth and well-being by emphasizing the importance of nurturing all aspects of our lives, from career development to physical and mental health, to relationships and hobbies. By viewing work as an integral part of our lives, rather than something to be balanced against other aspects, we can create a more harmonious and meaningful existence.

Supporting organizational culture change

Organizations play a crucial role in promoting work-life integration. By fostering a culture that values flexibility, trust, and well-being, employers can support employees in finding a healthy balance between work and personal life. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, productivity, and retention, benefiting both employees and the organization as a whole.


It’s time to retire the term “work-life balance” and embrace the more holistic and realistic concept of “work-life integration.” By doing so, we can create a healthier, more satisfying relationship between our professional and personal lives. Ultimately, work-life integration fosters a greater sense of well-being and fulfillment, allowing us to thrive in all aspects of our lives. By acknowledging the complexities of modern life and focusing on integrating work and personal life in a way that is flexible, adaptable, and unique to each individual, we can pave the way for a more satisfying and balanced future.

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Richard Bretzger

Leadership for the Future of Work, New Work and Distributed Work @ prosma consulting